Who Is Physiofit?

Physiotherapy Information

PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions is committed to delivering an uncompromising active rehabilitation service that will help you to understand, control and manage your pain and/or injury.

PhysioFit was established in 2000 with the aim of educating people about active ways of managing pain or injuries. Time and time again, Physiofit therapists were faced with patients who had become dependent upon passive forms of treatment (chiro, physio, osteo, massage etc), and who were searching for answers as to why their pain continued to return, or never went. PhysioFit provides a number of answers and offers solutions in the form of education about posture, how to go about your daily activities and exercise. We not only teach you how to maintain the gains you have made after “hands-on treatment,” but we also aim to help you prevent recurrences. PhysioFit professionals will educate you about your particular body constitution and advise you on the most suitable exercises for you. We will provide you with the know-how and the confidence to participate in activities you may have been afraid to try or activities that time and again have led to a recurrence of your symptoms.

PhysioFit is a flexible service. Programs can be tailored to be carried out in the clinic, at your home, or in the gym. We offer services to Private, Third Party and Workers Compensation patients.

Whilst PhysioFit cannot guarantee to resolve all your pains completely, we do guarantee to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to better manage and cope with it, as well as improve your general activity tolerance and confidence. Worst case scenario, most clients comment that they can now do more without the pain also increasing and they feel they know what to do to help themselves rather than being reliant on other people to fix them.


© 2019 PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions