Group Spinal and Posture Education Classes

Physiotherapy Specialist Referral Sydney

Group Spinal Exercise SydneyGroup exercise spinal classes are currently being held at 47 – 49 Burwood Rd Concord, 2137. PhysioFit can also run classes in the St.Leonards and Eastern suburbs area, subject to participant numbers. Furthermore, PhysioFit can arrange classes at other locations, such as at work. The classes run for one hour, once a week for 10 weeks, during the public school term, with 8 people in the class. The classes can comprise of Private, Workers Compensation, and Third Party clientele.

The classes focus on specific “core stability” exercises, flexibility, postural endurance and functional movement patterns for correct sitting, standing, bending and manual handling. We do functional exercises, floor exercises, use hand weights, swiss balls, theraband and other devises to promote use of stabilizing and postural muscles.

The patient must at a minimum have an assessment with PhysioFit prior to doing the classes. Most people will have some individual sessions first then join the classes to consolidate on concepts learnt in a cost effective fun way.


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