What PhysioFit Does

Physiotherapy Specialist Referral Sydney

Active Management Strategies – Exercise and Education is Acceleration

PhysioFit was established by a small group of Physiotherapists, with the aim of educating people about active ways of managing pain. We are often faced with patients who have become dependent upon passive forms of treatment (chiro, physio, osteo, massage etc), and who are searching for answers as to why their pain continues to return, or never went.

Evidenced Based Approach

PhysioFit is an active rehabilitation service; we do not provide any form of manual therapy. PhysioFit has accredited Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists working together to provide programs that include evidence-based exercises, activity advice and education that allows the patients to take control of their problem, by helping them to understand their injury, and by teaching them self-management strategies to control or alleviate their symptoms.

Sit better, Move better, Reduce pain

PhysioFit provides a number of answers and offers solutions in the form of education about posture, how to go about daily activities and exercise. We not only teach patients how to maintain the gains they have made after “hands-on treatment,” but we also aim to help them prevent recurrences. PhysioFit professionals will educate people about their particular body constitution and advise them on the most suitable exercises. We will provide them with the know-how and the confidence to participate in activities they may have been afraid to try or activities that time and again have led to a recurrence of symptoms.

Helping you manage your patients

We would be happy to assist you with the management of any patients of yours with complicated pain, or with any patient that has already attempted other forms of treatment to address their pain without success. We can work with any currently involved treating party and in many ways our service is a value- added service to the role other allied health-care workers provide and we certainly do not discourage having other providers involved in patients care. Many patients report that our programs enhance the effects of their hands on treatment or in some cases reduce the need for it.

PhysioFit is a flexible service. Programs can be tailored to be carried out in the clinic, at a patient’s home, in the gym or in the workplace. We treat Private, Third Party and Workers Compensation patients.


© 2019 PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions