How to Become PhysioFit

How to Become Fit

How does one become PhysioFit?

The first step is to book an appointment. We will perform a thorough comprehensive assessment and from that, plan a way forward to achieve your goals

This assessment is approximately 60 minutes and will involve a top to toe assessment looking at your pain/injury history, current physical ability verses needed physical capacity, body type, posture, muscle function (“core” stability, endurance and strength), and flexibility.

We will also spend time discussing your needs and your goals to be able to design the best management plan for you. After the assessment the physiotherapist will discuss with you what they feel needs to be done to achieve your goals and together a plan will be made. Our programs can be run at a gym or pool close to your home, at home, or in the clinic. The program content will be discussed and agreed to by you.

“Know your body to know your way back to a fit and healthy life.”


© 2019 PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions