Chronic Pain Education and Management

Physiotherapy Specialist Referral Sydney

PhysioFit staff are trained in delivering a Cognitive Behavioural Approach to managing people with Chronic pain and will help people suffering from chronic pain learn more about what pain means, how to manage it and how to overcome it.

We can provide support, encouragement, pacing up of activities and advice on how to be able to do previously avoided activities.

We also give specific exercises to increase specific muscular control, strengths, and postural endurance, which will in turn improve physical tolerances and functional capacities (daily activities, ability to work / return to work etc). Symptoms are expected to become less easily aggravated. Confidence levels are also expected to improve in line with improving physical status once it is learnt that increasing activity levels does not necessarily lead to further harm. These strategies over time help to promote a return towards normal activities and work commitments with a reduced risk of re-aggravation.


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