Welcome to PhysioFit

Physiotherapy Information

Welcome to PhysioFit. This website is designed to give you information on the services we provide and who would benefit from our help. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly on (02) 97446466.

PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions is committed to delivering an uncompromising active rehabilitation service that will help you to understand, control and manage your pain and/or injury.

PhysioFit is an active rehabilitation service; we do not provide any form of manual therapy. PhysioFit has accredited Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists working together to provide programs that include evidence-based exercises, activity advice and education that allows you to take control of your problem, by helping you to understand your injury, and by teaching you self-management strategies to control or alleviate your symptoms.

PhysioFit is a flexible service. Programs can be tailored to be carried out in the clinic, at your home, or in the gym. We offer services to Private, Third Party and Workers Compensation patients.

Your first appointment will last approximately 1 hour and will involve a top to toe assessment looking at your pain/ injury history, work environment, current verses needed physical capacity, body type, posture, muscle function (stability, endurance and strength), flexibility and fitness. We will also spend time discussing your needs and your goals to be able to design the best management plan for you.

After the assessment the physiotherapist will discuss with you what they feel needs to be done to achieve your goals and together a plan will be made. Our programs can be run at a gym or pool close to your home, at home, or in the clinic. The program content will be discussed and agreed to by you.

  • Wear or bring comfortable loose clothing (shorts and t-shirt are best) and shoes that you can exercise in.
  • Drink 2 big glasses of water 40-60 minutes prior to your appointment. We will be using an ultrasound machine to look at your deep muscles and as such require you to have a full bladder at the time of your consultation. If you have concerns regarding this please contact our office to discuss – 02 97446466
  • Bring in the name, numbers and addresses of all treating doctors and other parties involved in your care so we can contact them if needed.
  • Bring in any reports of x-rays, CT scans or MRIs. (You do not need to bring the actual scans, just the reports).

As we set aside a large quantity of time for your appointment and have a lot of information to gather please ensure you attend on time and if you cannot attend we would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice so we can give that time slot to another person. If you do not give us adequate notice you may be required to pay a $120 cancellation fee. Your insurance company will not cover this.

If you a seeing us under a workers compensation or third party claim there will be a questionnaire that will take approximately 20-30 minutes to fill out. You can take the questionnaire home and fill it out prior to your appointment but it is best to fill it out in the clinic where you can ask questions when necessary, as some of the questions are a bit confronting. This questionnaire provides us with further information the insurance companies want that helps us to re-enforce your need for our services. Once a general plan is agreed upon, we will liaise with all people involved in your care. If approved, we can also provide all parties with a comprehensive report. We will complete an AHRR for the insurers detailing your condition and the best management plan including how many sessions you may need, the time frame the sessions will likely be delivered and the results we feel you can achieve. The AHRR must be approved by the insurers before the program can commence.


© 2019 PhysioFit Rehabilitation Solutions